Feature requests, support requests, bugs pointing out that a translation is wrong, requests for packaging new software, etc.

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 7 15:01:46 UTC 2006

Hello Mateusz,

On Mo, 2006-08-07 at 16:32 +0200, Mateusz Drożdżyński wrote:
> What do we do
> about bugs that are feature requests, support requests, bugs pointing
> out that a translation is wrong, etc.?

thanks for your question. Apart from some side cases we handle most of
the bugs you mentioned as outlined in

For translations we assign point people to Rosetta
(http://launchpad.net/rosetta) and to their language team, for support
requests we point them to the support tracker
(http://launchpad.net/support), for feature requests we point them to
the spec tracker (http://launchpad.net/specs).

There are numerous other cases, where it's not exactly buggy behaviour
the reporter describes and it should be easy to point them to a more
appropriate forum.

Hope that helps, have a nice day,

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