[Ubuntu-BR] OffTopic - Ten Easter Eggs in Linux
Jeferson Rodrigues
jeferod83 em gmail.com
Segunda Abril 25 12:18:51 UTC 2011
Bom dia,
Já conhecia alguns ovos de páscoa, mas outros não...
O "free the fish" é engraçado.... ele vai e volta.... só matando o
gnome-panel para "libertar de vez o peixe" hehehehehe....
Em 24 de abril de 2011 09:25, Fa <fconti em gmail.com> escreveu:
> Oi
> Só porque é Páscoa :)
> 10 Easter Eggs in !Linux
> http://www.linuxaria.com/article/10-easter-eggs-in-linux?lang=en
> Vi em @linuxaria
> --
> Beijins
> Fa
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Achar que podemos deixar alguém nos restringir parcialmente a Liberdade é
> igual a achar que podemos perder parcialmente a virgindade." - Millôr
> Fernandes
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Ubuntu User number is # 32559
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> Cansou de vírus, pragas virtuais, travamentos e falta de desempenho?
> O melhor anti vírus é usar Linux :)
> Conheça o novo Ubuntu 10.10! http://www.ubuntu-br.org/
> 10 Easter Eggs in !Linux
> http://www.linuxaria.com/article/10-easter-eggs-in-linux?lang=en
> Happy easter to all, what’s better than celebrate this holiday taking a
> look at what have hidden the programmers in our software ?
> A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message, in-joke or
> feature in a work such as a computer program, web page, video game,
> movie, book or crossword. The term was coined—according to Warren
> Robinett—by Atari after they were pointed to the secret message left by
> Robinett in the game Adventure.
> 10) Aptitude
> Just open your terminal and write (available on all distribution that
> use .deb packages):
> $ aptitude moo
> There are no Easter Eggs in this program.
> $ aptitude -v moo
> There really are no Easter Eggs in this program.
> $ aptitude -vv moo
> Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?
> Keep on adding -v’s until after it gives you an Easter Egg.
> 9) Apt-get
> In a terminal type
> apt-get help
> .
> If the egg is present, there will be a line (usually the last one) “This
> APT has Super Cow Powers.”
> If the text is present type:
> apt-get moo
> .
> And you’ll get your easter egg.
> On Gentoo you can try with:
> emerge moo
> 8) VIM (vi improved)
> Open vi improved:
> $ vim
> Then type “:help 42″
> This is a reference to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”
> 7) EMACS
> In the terminal run emacs then press the Esc, and than x, write tetris
> and press return.
> This will open a window where you can play Tetris with the directional
> arrows, pause with p and quit with the q .
> Or you can type snake and play it, to see all the games that are in the
> emacs, you can type:
> ls /usr/share/emacs/22.1/lisp/play/
> openoffice-team-eater-egg-in-writer
> 6) openoffice
> Open OpenOffice Writer, then type “‘StarWriterTeam” (without the quotes)
> and then hit F3.
> Does this work also on Libreoffice ? …to be tested ;)
> Also, you could open up Calc and type in any cell “=STARCALCTEAM()”.
> You’ll get the team behind Calc kicking back and having some relax.
> 5) Gnome
> In GNOME press alt+f2 and type “gegls from outer space” This will launch
> a Space Invader-esque game where GEGLs (stands for Genetically
> Engineered Goat Large) are trying to kill our beloved fish Wanda! Oh
> Noes!!!
> And about Wanda you can also use this easter egg: alt+f2 and type “free
> the fish”.
> vídeo:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcuixQN3gdY
> 4) KDE
> i don’t use KDE so i cannot test this:
> http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/1896
> It’s an easter egg in Kexi, just create a new table design and name it
> “sudoku” and you’ll get a nice game for free.
> 3) Arch Linux
> There is a “secret” option for pacman, in the options section uncomment
> (or write) ILoveCandy , now just run pacman.
> 2) nmap
> This is a documented option, but certainly not much used, try to run
> nmap with the -oS (enable script kiddie !)
> If you run your namp you’ll get an output like this:
> nmap -oS - scanme.nmap.org
> sTaRting NmAp 5.21 ( httP://nmap.0rg ) at 2011-04-23 17:58 C3$T
> nmap Scan rEporT F0r $Canm3.Nmap.orG (
> HOst Iz up (0.23s LaTency).
> N0t showN: 993 filt3red ports
> 22/tcp opeN $$h
> 25/Tcp cl0s3d $mtp
> 53/tCp 0P3n doMaIN
> 70/tcP cLos3d g0pher
> 80/tcp 0p3n http
> 113/tcp Cl0sEd auth
> 31337/tcp cLo$ed 3L|t3
> 1) Firefox/Mozilla
> At number 1 i put the mozilla biblical like quote that you get when you
> write about:mozilla in the location bar.
> There is no real book entitled The Book of Mozilla. However, apparent
> quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by
> revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the
> Book of Revelation in the Bible. When about:mozilla is typed into the
> location bar, various versions of these browsers display a cryptic
> message in white text on a maroon background in the browser window.
> Check on wikipedia for all the verses that have show in the various
> release.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Mozilla
> --
> Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português: http://www.ubuntu-br.org/comece
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