[Ubuntu-BR] Abrir aplicativo em outro espaço de trabalho?
Fabiano garcia Fonseca
fabiano em linuxacessivel.org
Quarta Março 24 12:49:57 UTC 2010
Se for no gnome até tem.
Achei o que segue abaixo, só não testei...
E desculpe não traduzir, é que o tempo não está sobrando hoje por aqui...
Every time I start my computer, I launch some applications. It would be
easy just to add them to start up programs, but the thing is, I want
them in specific work spaces. The default installation of Ubuntu comes
with two work spaces. I always change mine to have four work spaces, in
two rows. I have a specific use for each space. The first space is where
I do all my work, editing text files, browsing the internet, etc. Space
two is for email, instant messaging, posting to Twitter with Twitux. The
third work space is for multimedia, Rhythmbox, Totem, etc. The fourth
space is where I put applications that need to be open but don’t require
much interaction, like Transmission. It may not be the best layout, but
it works for me.. Anyway, the point behind this, is that if I open
everything it automatically goes to my first work space. So, if I had
the programs start automatically, I would still have to put them in the
work space I have chosen for them. The answer to this problem is a
program called Devil’s Pie. You can get it by opening terminal and typing:
sudo apt-get install devilspie
After devilspie is installed, you need to make a .devilspie directory in
your home folder. So, type:
mkdir .devilspie
Change to this new directory with the command:
cd .devilspie
There are a few good tutorials out there that show how to create files
to place applications where you want them including maximizing and
decorating them, so I will keep this brief. Just for reference, to
create a file to place Pidgin on your second work space, create a file
called pidgin.ds:
gedit pidgin.ds
Place these lines in the file:
(is (application_name) “Pidgin”)
(set_workspace 2)
Now, Devil’s Pie will move Pidgin to the second workspace when it is
opened. If you create a file with an application name in it and it
doesn’t move the application to the designated space, try using all
lower case in the application name, or if you did use all lower case,
try the first letter in upper-case. Evolution, for example, is all
To get everything working with out any interaction, go to the system
menu, preferences, sessions. On the start up programs tab click add.
Enter the following information:
Name: Devil’s Pie
Command: devilspie -a
Click on add, then click close. Now Devil’s Pie will start automatically
and apply your settings to any window that is opened, as well as any
window that was already opened.
If you would prefer to use a GUI to make devil’s Pie files, one is
available. It is called gdevilspie
João Sales escreveu:
Olá Pessoal,
Alguém sabe se é possível abrir um determinado programa em um ambiente de trabalho específico?
Ex: abrir o nautilus na área de trabalho 1, abrir o firefox na área de trabalho 2, etc...
João Sales
Fabiano garcia Fonseca
Linux user #448759 - Ubuntu User #15701
e-mail: fabiano em linuxacessivel.org
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