[Ubuntu-BR] Hi! a good news. 6--t

Mario Lis mlisram em gmail.com
Quinta Junho 24 19:22:52 UTC 2010

 <DIV>good news :<BR>       South
Africa's World Cup has come, the <A
href="http://www.fungpui1.com">www.fungpui1.com</A> web is engaged in
activities for the South Africa's World Cup ,so all the products have
a big discount ,i have bought some products ,the qualities are good
,  They mainly sell all kinds of
MP3,TV,Motorbike,Cellphone,Laptop etc. with very fashionable
styles.Their activity period is one month,so i think you'd better
spend one or two minutes having a look, maybe you can find what you
are interested in .<BR>       have a
nice day and best wishes for you !</DIV> a--i

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