[Ubuntu-BR] Nvidia Solução
Luis Felipe Pigozzo
felipe em pigozzo.com
Segunda Outubro 17 15:26:08 UTC 2005
Depois de muito Stress baixei pelo synaptic todos os pacotes da Nvidia e
instalei um gcc mais atualizado...
baixei o driver da nvidia e segui o seguinte tutorial abaixo:
> If you want to install Nvidia driver with the nvidia installer (I've
> tried v.7667) and you use a kernel from Ubuntu Hoary or you compiled it
> from Hoary sources (or kernel.org sources), then just try this HOWTO.
> If you have a kernel from Ubuntu Breezy then try this HOWTO:
> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52924 OR just look at point
> 2 of the problems section of THIS guide.
> Make sure you graphic card is not among the ones which are NOT SUPPORTED
> by looking at the list you will find in the NOTES SECTION *
> You need 7676 version only if you have Geforce 7800, otherwise is
> useless (and it has some bugs). If you haven't got this graphic card
> PLEASE try 7667, it's more stable.
> Download the installer from this page according to your architecture
> (32bit or 64bit)
> http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
> Before you start you have to make sure the following things are
> installed (see points "a","b","c"). If not, you can install them
> following these steps:
> Open either Terminal or Konsole and type:
> uname -r (this will tell you the name and version of the kernel you are
> using)
> Open either Synaptic or Kynaptic
> a) press the "Search" button and put "header" in the search field
> you will see a list of files, find "linux-headers-the name you got from
> uname -r"
> for example if your kernel is "2.6.10-5-386", the headers will be
> "linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386"
> click on the files and select "Mark for installation"
> b) press the "Search" button and put "linux-source" in the search field
> you will see a list of files, find "linux-source-the name you got from
> uname -r"
> click on the file and select "Mark for installation"
> c) press the "Search" button and put "build-essential" in the search
> field
> click on the file and select "Mark for installation"
> d) Press the "Apply" button.
> You can close Synaptic (or Kynaptic) after it has finished installing
> the headers.
> Ok, now let's begin:
> 1) uninstall nvidia-glx (if you don't have it just go to step 2)
> 2) remove the file manually:
> sudo rm /etc/init.d/nvidia-glx
> 3) sudo apt-get install gcc (just in case)
> ctl-alt-f1 (so as to get to the command line, not a windowed terminal,
> but out of the graphical interface GUI)
> login with your username and password (if required)
> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (or "kdm stop" if you use KDE)
> cd “directory where you have the nvidia installer”
> If you have Ubuntu 64bit type: **
> sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-7667-pkg2.run
> Otherwise if you have Ubuntu 32 bit type:
> sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7667-pkg2.run
> If you have Ubuntu 64bit you can't install OpenGL32bit compatibility
> libraries, so when the installer asks whether to install it just answer
> no OR you may want to try a workaround which Draugen found but which I
> haven't tried myself (look at the PROBLEMS SECTION at the end of the
> guide: point 5).
> sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup
> sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> scroll the file down until you find the line with “Modules” and comment
> out (by putting a "#" before the line) the 2 lines I put in blue and add
> Load "glx". It should look like the example below:
> Section "Module"
> Load "bitmap"
> Load "dbe"
> Load "ddc"
> #Load "dri"
> #Load “GLcore”
> Load "extmod"
> Load "freetype"
> Load "glx"
> Load "int10"
> Load "record"
> Load "type1"
> Load "vbe"
> Then find the section Device and make sure the word I put in red is
> “nvidia”:
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV40 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache]"
> Driver "nvidia"
> BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
> CTRL+O to save (yes, use the same name and overwrite the file)
> CTRL+X to exit
> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start (or "kdm start" if you use KDE)
> Now you have installed the new nvidia driver.
> If you want a "control panel" which shows the settings of your card you
> might want to install "Nvidia-settings" (this part of the guide has been
> taken from the Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide) although they driver
> works fine also without it (the choice it's up to you).
> Open Terminal or Konsole and type
> sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
> sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/NVIDIA-Settings.desktop (you can use
> "kate" instead of "gedit" in KDE)
> Insert the following lines into the new file:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=NVIDIA Settings
> Comment=NVIDIA Settings
> Exec=nvidia-settings
> Icon=
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> Categories=Application;System;
> Save the file and exit.
> Restart your computer
> You will be able to see "Nvidia settings" in the menu (the one from
> which you launch all the applications)
> Enjoy!
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Below are the legacy GPUs that are no longer supported in the unified
> driver.
> These GPUs will continue to be maintained through the special legacy
> GPU driver releases.
> NVIDIA chip name Device PCI ID
> ------------------------------- -------------------------------
> RIVA TNT 0x0020
> RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro 0x0028
> RIVA TNT2 Ultra 0x0029
> Vanta/Vanta LT 0x002C
> RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro 0x002D
> Aladdin TNT2 0x00A0
> GeForce 256 0x0100
> GeForce DDR 0x0101
> Quadro 0x0103
> GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro 0x0150
> GeForce2 Ti 0x0151
> GeForce2 Ultra 0x0152
> Quadro2 Pro 0x0153
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ** the name of the installer may vary:
> e.g. it could be NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-7667-pkg1.run.
> So just put the name of the installer you've downloaded from Nvidia
> website.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1) If the installer reports that the “Framebuffer” kernel module
> conflicts with the drivers you will have to recompile your kernel and
> disable this function
> Here's a HOWTO for kernel compilation for newbies
> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthre...5&page=1&pp=10
> 2) If the installer complains in this way (this is an example of part of
> the error):
> ...
> nvidia: version magic '2.6.10-5-386 preempt 386 gcc-3.4' should be
> '2.6.10-5-386 preempt 386 gcc-3.3'
> ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file
> '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details.
> ...
> This means the installer tries to use gcc-3.4 instead of gcc-3.3(the
> right one).Type this before launching NVIDIA installer:
> CC=gcc-3.3
> export CC
> The number of the version of gcc has to be the same as the 2nd one
> reported in the error by nvidia installer (i.e. the word I put in red
> instead of the one I put in blue)
> then run nvidia installer again.
> 3) If the installer complains in this way:
> ...
> ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please
> make sure
> that you have the package 'gcc' installed. If gcc is installed on your
> system, then please check that `cc` is in your PATH.
> The user Reid has suggested this solution:
> To find out where 'gcc' is located I did:
> Code:
> which gcc
> which returned:
> Code:
> /usr/bin/gcc
> then I made a symbolic link to gcc called cc so programs trying to use
> 'cc' would get gcc, with this code:
> Code:
> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
> Then try the installer again.
> 4) If you have an AGP graphic card and your system freezes but you can
> still move the mouse pointer you will have to do this:
> sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> Add the lines in red at this section of the file:
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV40 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache]"
> Driver "nvidia"
> BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
> Option "NvAGP" "0"
> Option "RenderAccel" "Off"
> Option "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "DFP,TV"
> Option "NoRenderExtension" "Off"
> Option "Accel" "Off"
> Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" “Off”
> EndSection
> This will either disable 3d acceleration or make it slower (sorry but I
> haven't got an AGP card so I haven't tried them myself)
> If this doesn't work for you try asking at this Forum and you might be
> talking to some of the developers of the NVIDIA drivers (there's a Linux
> section) (it's very useful)
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14
> 5) If you have Ubuntu 64bit you will have some problems when trying to
> install OpenGL32bit compatibility libraries, so yuomay want to try a
> workaround suggested by Draugen but which I haven't tried myself
> type:
> sudo mkdir /emul
> sudo mkdir /emul/ia32-linux
> sudo mkdir /emul/ia32-linux/usr
> sudo ln -s /usr/lib32 /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib
> if /usr/lib32 does not exist, you need to do this
> Type:
> sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6
> without which the opengl compat libs probably won't be much use anyway
> there are more 32bit libs as well. check synaptic.
Isso funcionou perfeitamente, uso meu note widescreen com a resolução
Luis Felipe Pigozzo
felipe em pigozzo.com
pigozzo em gmail.com
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