[Ubuntu-be] proposed agenda, meeting 14/7 at 15h00
Mark Van den Borre
mark at markvdb.be
Sat Jul 14 13:31:03 UTC 2012
Hi all,
2012/7/13 Jan Claeys <ubuntu op janc.be>:
> Jan Bongaerts schreef op vr 13-07-2012 om 18:07 [+0200]:
>> > > Discussion: what should we do with this account? There are no
>> > > updates of the statements. Maybe it is possible/feasible/desirable to
>> > > change the account? Shall we appoint a treasurer?
There have been multiple updates of the statements sent to
council op ubuntu-be.org, as discussed before. I sent out the last one
last week in reply to your proposed meeting agenda.
>> > We need to discuss who will manage the account in the future, and then
>> > go to Brussels (the bank's office) to change which persons have access
>> > to it.
Right now, two people have access to the account, since 2007:
Alexandre Laurent (not active anymore since 2008) and me. You will
probably need my signature. I suggested many moons ago that it might
be healthier to have a second person with access to the account again.
There was an agreement on having Pieter Vdw for this, but as far as I
know, no action was taken.
>> Or we could create a new account and have Mark VdB close the other one
>> and transfer the balance.
There are multiple ways to skin a cat, but I doubt this would be an
efficient one.
> Maybe Mark can explain better what exactly is needed?
I did quite some research on this a few years ago. Have a look at
https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/2007-March/002536.html and
related posts. Things seem to have become a bit more stringent since
then though. Bottom line: most banks don't like to have informal
organisations as clients.
Mark Van den Borre
Hogestraat 16
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726
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