[Ubuntu-be] Dutch Ubuntu 12.04 Manual V0.1 Draft
Wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 13:45:16 UTC 2012
I'm currently talking about the default installed applications on Ubuntu.
Are there any other non-standard apps I should talk about?
I was thinking of including those on the Ubuntu website since they are
popular with non linux users.. (skype, spotify, chrome, GIMP..)
But are there others you think I should include?
2012/7/1 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn op gmail.com>
> Hi Alain
> The installation process should indeed be covered. But I'll explain the
> deal we have with ERGO to tell you why I don't include it in this version.
> ERGO (the company where my dad works) is changing to a clean desk policy
> and everybody gets a laptop.
> All desktops become obsolete by this. Every company employee can ask to
> keep his or her computer and can even ask for multiple computers.
> (That is because most people don't ask to keep their computer so those who
> want can even get more than one)
> This came to my ears and since we really need some new hardware for
> Ubuntu-be I sent them a mail asking for about 20 computers.
> The deal that came from this is following:
> As it is for a "good cause" and we were the first to ask, we can get some
> computers (probably 20, but not sure about the exact amount). Even more:
> all obsolete desktops get Ubuntu installed on them (since they have to
> swipe the drive anyway). So the computers we get from ERGO will have Ubuntu
> on it, and all other computers from ERGO that are taken by other employees
> will have Ubuntu on it. In return we provide them with a decent Dutch
> beginners manual.
> This deal was made in March I believe, and there are several computers
> waiting to come home with my dad already. That's why I want to go fast on
> this tutorial (ideally it should be ready by the end of tomorrow). Since
> the computers come with Ubuntu already installed it isn't necessary for the
> employees to install Ubuntu on them. To save time I decided to include the
> chapter about installing later for the general version of the manual but
> not for this ERGO version of it.
> I hope this answers your question. I will try to do the installing part as
> soon as possible. However, if you want, feel free to do that yourself!
> If someone makes the installing part today or tomorrow, I will include it
> in the manual as well..
> Kind regards
> Wouter Vandenneucker
> 2012/7/1 Alain Baudrez <a.baudrez op gmail.com>
>> 2012/7/1 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn op gmail.com>
>>> Hey guys, here is the second version of the file:
>>> http://vdnkr.be/Ubuntu%20Handleiding%20draftV0_2.pdf
>>> I think I've gone over the entire interface, if you see something I
>>> forgot, please say so.
>>> If you see spelling errors, please notify me..
>> Hoi,
>> is there a reason why the installation of Ubuntu is not yet implemented
>> in the tutorial?
>> Alain
>> --
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