[Ubuntu-be] Silent computers' shop staat er klaar voor!-- Re: ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 82, Issue 16

Jan Bongaerts jbongaerts at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 16:01:54 UTC 2012

+1, Wouter.

On 21 December 2012 16:59, Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at gmail.com>wrote:

> I personally felt offended by the sheer lack of Ubuntu/humanity in the
> responses that followed.
> If one states that he didn't *"give a *** what anyone (corporate or
> individual) has done for anyone/anything"* than that means he doesn't
> care about any of the work I and others have put in to it. I find that
> offensive and take it as a slap in the face.
> It shows of a lack of empathy, dignity and respect to others who might or
> might not put more time and effort to things than that person him- or
> herself. Although I would have taken it this way regardless of whom it came
> from, I feel even more offended because it came from somebody who signed
> the code of conduct! A code that starts with following words:
> *Ubuntu is about showing humanity to one another: the word itself
> captures the spirit of being human.*
> A code that explicitly states that at all times you should be
> respectful. One that states that disagreement is no excuse for poor
> manners. One that states that you have to take responsibility for your
> words and actions.
> I find myself today, struggling to keep believing that any work done here
> is appreciated or even considered to be of any value.
> And with this rant and words that might mean more to some than others I
> leave you
> Have a nice day all, who knows it might be our last.
> Regards
> Wouter Vandenneucker
> 2012/12/21 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be>
>>  Well,
>> I didn't consider the initial answer as spam - I did take it as a rather
>> weak answer in the sense that there's no further help than only offering to
>> make a sale.
>> I was hoping to get feedback in the sense of: "I'm using *blabla* on my
>> computer and *bla* on my Android device and it all works fine doing these
>> steps: *blablabla*" Or even: "Buy this device: *SomeDevice*, it contains
>> drivers for ubuntu" In extremis it could be: "let me google this for you:
>> *keyword 1* *keyword 2* ..."
>> Obviously, if the solution you're offering is something you developed
>> in-house, and thus only offer to your customers... that's also an option,
>> and then the shop is he place to be.
>> Well... but as disappointing as the answer was... the answer "spammer"
>> didn't help me any further either.
>> Grtz,
>> Jurgen
>> On 21-12-12 13:25, tom verlinden wrote:
>>   Is there a "code of conduct", guidelines, on how to approach things
>> like this?
>>  What i'm trying to say is, what if you know a good link/shop/space that
>> can help you?
>>  What would be the appropriate action to take?
>>  Needless to say i too disagree with spamming any list, but it's
>> something i was asking myself just yet...
>>  2012/12/21 martijn cielen <mcielen at gmail.com>
>>> Jan,
>>>  frankly I don't give a *** what anyone (corporate or individual) has
>>> done for anyone/anything when they abuse a mailing list to spam.
>>> When I send messages to this list, I use my personal address, and not my
>>> commercial one. Ideally, others should do the same.
>>>  Martijn
>>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Jan Bongaerts <jbongaerts at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Easy now!
>>>> Silent Computers has done more for ubuntu-be than most.
>>>> 2012/12/20 martijn cielen <mcielen at gmail.com>
>>>>> spammer
>>>>> 2012/12/20 Lesia Valèri <lesiavaleri at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> daar is de Silent computers' shop voor!
>>>>>> Stuurt die dame naar ons toe, wij zullen wel beste oplossing voor
>>>>>> vinden!
>>>>>>> 2012/12/19 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen at gaeremyn.be>
>>>>>>> >  Hi...
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I was popped this question today... (and I'm interested myself
>>>>>>> too).
>>>>>>> > Anyone on our list who can help this lady?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >  hi,
>>>>>>> > does anybody know a good smartphone?
>>>>>>> > (not too expensive < 180 euro)
>>>>>>> > which is easy to use and synchronize with ubuntu 12.04...
>>>>>>> > thanks, M
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>>>>>> Lesia Valeri
>>>>>>  *Silent computers
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> startklare computers
>>>>>> stil, eco, energiebesparend
>>>>>> persoonlijke raadpleging
>>>>>> service binnen 1 werkdag
>>>>>> thuisinstallatie
>>>>>> *www.to-my-taste.com  * <http://www.to-my-taste.com/>
>>>>>>  Uw computerspecialist!
>>>>>> Audiofiel  3D  TV
>>>>>> thuis  business  studie
>>>>>> C.A.T. Home set
>>>>>>  Winkel: Wijnegem Shopping Center / Turnhoutsebaan 5 / ingang 5 /
>>>>>> winkel 182 /open ma-za 10-00 uur, vr 10-21uur
>>>>>> Silent computers b.v.b.a. BTW 0819 659 205 IBAN: BE51 001-5950645-62
>>>>>> Postadres: Dorenboslaan 6, b182, 2110 Wijnegem, Tel.:+32 3 353 00 84<%2B32%203%20353%2000%2084>
>>>>>> GSM: 0487 614 227 e-mail: lesiavaleri at gmail.com
>>>>>>  --
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>> Mvg,
>> Verlinden Tom.
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