[Ubuntu-be] Survey

Wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 19:52:12 UTC 2011

2011/11/29 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be>

>  Hey Wouter,
> just a few comments:
> * doesn't work well without Javascript enabled
I know, but we'll make them do it on a default ubuntu system, so JS is
enabled ;-)
But indeed, for future stuff we might want to look to that. On the other
hand, if you don't have JS enabled:
a.) you know how to enable it on trusted sites
b.) you're working on a weird browser and have a backup browser for normal
c.) you know what you're doing and how to fix it
d.) you're on windows..

 Or at least, that's how I see it :s

> * page 2: "Ubuntu is mijn enigste Besturingssysteem" -> ENIGE
Good point, I need to fix that.. THX!

* page 3: "standaard software aanbod" -> not very clear. Does this mean
> installed by default, or available in repo's?
It's by default, I'll make it clear.. :)

> Otherwise, great poll!
> Let's hope for a big response. :)
We're going to put it on during Dipro Genk. Afterwards I'll had 2 (or so)
more questions, and make a call to translate it to complete it for online

Thx for the response!
Really apreciate it!



> Grtz,
> Jurgen
> Op 29-11-11 17:49, Wouter Vandenneucker schreef:
> Hey guys the survey for next weekend in GENK is online now.
>  It's only in dutch, but for the genk area that shouldn't be a problem I
> think.
>  Anyhow, please test it out, and tell me if you encounter any problems:
> http://ubuntu.vandenneucker.be/limesurvey/index.php?sid=29175&lang=nl
>  PS: the server is fairly slow, getting the fonts can take a a few
> seconds.. I'll run this survey locally during the event to prevent this ^^
>  Grts
>  wouter
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