[Ubuntu-be] IRC Meeting Report 3/11/2011

Adrien Rami ramtar at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 22:22:55 UTC 2011

This is the report of the IRC Meeting of the 3/11/2011.

participants (in random order): hans_, jurgentje, ramtar

1) Ghent Dipro Fair
2) Creation of the Council

   * dipro ghent - not enough volunteers. We won't participate.

2)Creation of the Council


  1. Set big target for the council
          1A. People can enter possible big targets (ietherpad page)
                 General announce on website and mailing list
          1B. Gather targets into big Target (IRC Meeting)
          1C. Voting for the target to follow(Poll page)
                  General announce on website and mailing list
  2. Create council
      2A. Find volunteers who want to take up responsability/leadership 
to achieve this target
      2B. Vote for the candidates (if we have more candidates than needed)
3. Council sets small targets to reach the big target
4. If a big target is reached, vote for a new target during the next 
election of the council (if necessary)

Step 1A:
Votethe big target to reach in January 2012

November: Set Big Target on Etherpad
December: IRC Meeting to gather the Post
January: Poll the target

Step 1B:
We're hoping to have the council elections in February or March 2012

Collect all the proposition: Now - 31 November 2011 : 23:59
Gather the proposition in big target: 15 December 2011 (IRC Meeting)
Creating the Poll: During December
Communicate about the Poll and doing it: January - 31 January 2012 at 

Collect all the candidate : February - 29 February 2012 at 23:59:59
Elect the council : March - 30 March 2012 at 23:59:59
The council present is target for the year: April

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