[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 26/05/2011 – Report (USB stick)

Ward De Ridder ward.ubuntu at gmail.com
Sun May 29 17:12:07 UTC 2011

2011/5/29 Steven Leeman <steven op leeman.be>

> Also starting form the 22nd of juin my exams are over so I've got time to
>> figure out how we can change the ISO and how we can do the QEMU thing (if
>> you like this idea).
> aren't you talking about Wubi? if you want to run it from inside "windows"
> instead at boot as a "live"cd ? I believe as "bootable" device you have much
> more rights...
> and if they don't use password protected biosses...it will boot from cd/usb
> first and then from harddisk circumventing whatever  security they have :-)

I'm not talking about WUBI, qemu is a kind of virtualbox that can be made
portable (if DSL can do it, we should be able to do that as well) on a
I don't think much people are allowed to install ubuntu (with or without
wubi) on their school computers, and the schools I've been made there bios
password protected.

>> I also found this:
>> http://cgi.benl.ebay.be/Souris-USB-Penguin-ABS-24244-/290493584275?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_71&hash=item43a2c45393
> is it with a laser/led below or still "ball"-bearing :-)

No idea, I just liked the idea :D
Maybe you can send a message to the seller.

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