[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu cd/dvd

Steven Leeman steven at leeman.be
Thu May 26 07:53:35 UTC 2011

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 9:47 AM, wouter Vandenneucker <
woutervddn at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  I'm not sure what is the most effective approach here:
> - 32bit version with X-L-K-Ed-Ubuntu
> - 64bit version with X-L-K-Ed-Ubuntu
> OR
> - 32bit Kubuntu
> - 32bit Ubuntu
> - 32bit Edubuntu
> - 64bit Kubuntu
> - 64bit Ubuntu
> - 64bit Edubuntu
> About that second option: Would it be possible to put all the packages on
> the cd only once per Xbit version?
> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19216/ is also thinking about that..

it should be possible to start with a 32bit and a 64bit ubuntu iso...
and add on each the "...-desktop" packages...
gnome,kde,xfce, ... vs U/K/...

imho an "edubuntu-desktop" is just an ubuntu with more "educational"
the edubuntu-desktop contains the following:

   - ubuntu-edu-preschool - Preschool ( < 5 years old) educational
   application bundle
   - ubuntu-edu-primary - Primary ( ages 6-12) educational application
   - ubuntu-edu-secondary - Secondary ( ages 13-18) educational application
   - ubuntu-edu-tertiary - Tertiary ( university level ) educational
   application bundle

I haven't played much with edubuntu... don't know if it's all in Dutch

and for kubuntu people you can install *edubuntu*-*desktop*-kde (but not all
educational software is ported to KDE or contains kde-only material so it
will install gnome stuff like Gcompris as far as I know
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