[Ubuntu-be] usb sticks met ubuntu preloaded
wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at hotmail.com
Wed May 18 19:06:13 UTC 2011
Very interesting thought..We could have their name on 1side of the stick and Ubuntu-be on the other side.
Despite that I have some concerns:- Will any company sponsor this if we aren't a VZW (will we be taken serious)- The sticks have to stay ours, it should be about U and U-be not the company (as in: their logo shouldn't be bigger than ours and the default homepage shouldn't be theirs)(I'm sure we can work something out that works for both a company and us)- We should have a clear objective worked out before going to a company (how much/who's the target/what's the deal..)- Find a company (Q: is there a company in Belgium that give Ubuntu or Linux lessons?)
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 20:19:44 +0200
From: steven op leeman.be
To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
CC: jbongaerts op gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] usb sticks met ubuntu preloaded
I wouldn't offer them for free imho?unless you can find such a sponsor?Flemish gouvernment with an "edubuntu" release? :-)
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 6:32 PM, martijn cielen <mcielen op gmail.com> wrote:
The problem of offering the sticks for free could be solved by asking sponsorship from a non-profit or an open source minded company
Sent from my iPhone
On 18-mei-2011, at 17:57, Jan Bongaerts <jbongaerts op gmail.com> wrote:
Some more advantages:
It is also timeless for us a supplier. You load them with the newest version. No risk of stock becoming o-bsolete, except if the capacity becomes outdated. Which is why I'd opt for the 4Gb version.
It is easier to load a usb stick than to burn a CD. I think it might be quicker too.
Main disadvantage: We would not be able to offer them for free, unlike the CD. We would have to charge money.
A vzw would indeed be a good idea, but if it is decided to move ahead before the vzw is established, I might be able to help.
If a company is needed to operate this venture, I am willing to offer the usage of my bvba.
On 18 May 2011 17:36, wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn op hotmail.com> wrote:
Hey Steven
Personally I like the idea. I mentioned it once to warddr IIRC. But I think it is something that might require us to be a VZW.
Nevertheless, I'd like to discuss it. Therefor I propose you put the idea on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsGoodies2011
I'll also add it as a point to discuss on the next IRC meeting (26/05/2011). Feel free to discus it there as well.
I think that a USB-stick has multiple upsides. A quick list of those I can think of right now (together with the benefits steven described):
- More durable than a CD- More valuable (less chance they just install it and than ditch it)
- Can be updated- You'll be able to use it as a normal USB stick afterwards (if you like)- People who use it as a personal data stick are generally advertising for us. (Free Publicity)
- Also works for Netbook owners- Really awesome goodie.
- Gives an extra chance to promote our Localized version of Ubuntu (once we finally create it..)
PS: For those who don't speak dutch, I translated Stevens mail below.
On Wed, 18 May 2011 13:08:34 +0200 steven op leeman.be wrote:
Last month I got this question via the supportpoint network asking me if I could deliver "ubuntu" on a USB stick and send it to France.
No problem... in 123 the last version of ubuntu in "Dutch" sent on a 1GB stick in an envelope straight to Cote D'Azur to a Belgian citizen who overwintered... I already received some beautiful printscreens... Gained another Ubuntero.
I've watched out for "preloaded" ubuntu sticks...I believe that "Ubuntu-fr" had some on Fosdem...
Via the Canonical shop they cost more than 28 euros for a 4GB stick...
4gbyte usb stick20,36 euro + 7,51 euro transport
I've contacted the first USB supplier I could find and he gave me following prices:
model "Usb Incentive" : http://www.usbstick-producent.nl/nl/usbstick/information/132/usb-stick-incentive-zilver.html
4 GB 2.0 -> Like Canonical sells themPrice/piece: €7,66Logo Print: €0,10Transport (China): €20,-Total for 100 pieces: €796,- (excl. BTW)
1 GB 2.0 -> Minimum size for an Ubuntu Live CD...Has 300MB spare for extra's (NL Language for instance.. or some extra programs?)Price/piece €5,26Logo Print: €0,10
Transport (China): €20,-Total for 100 pieces: €526,- (excl. BTW)
The minimum amount is 100 pieces, so I gave the targetprice for 100 USB sticks from a good priceclass (like USB Incentive) including printing of the logo in 2 colors.
Printing costs per color are €0,05.
Although I was able to sent a normal "usb stick" to France in a normal envelope... it might be beter to use "creditcard' models?
http://www.usbstick-producent.nl/nl/usbstick/information/183/usb-creditcard-standaard.html ... the experience is that the stick parte is easy to click out if your usb-ports can't handle "wide" carts...
The extra amount for a creditcar model is €0,48 per stick.
I could also hear what other suppliers have to say?
You don't give away the sticks for free of course but you sell them with a small profit...
- "ubuntu cd's" are out of date after 6 months...;
- Cd's take a big amount of time to burn (the average pc has 6 usb ports atm... you've got 6 stick in a 123 with ubuntu on them... And then we aren't talking about USB hubs)
- You write a cd only 1 time and throw them away afterwards... (except when you have a nice artistic print so you can reuse them as a "clock"?)
- USB sticks can be updated... or you can change the data with something else... So the "buyer" isn't cheated with buying the stick.
Maybe this can result in a nice discussion?
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