[Ubuntu-be] Wiki update of the 9th of march.

Jan Bongaerts jbongaerts at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 14:32:57 UTC 2011

Big cheers for the hard work.
It's a good start to a proper organisation.

On 10 March 2011 13:45, wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi guys
> I've made a report of what we did yesterday. I kinda forgot to post a
> reminder so I guess it's my fault that there was so little people to help
> out.
> Anyways, we've done quite a lot yesterday and I'd like to thank jean and
> jurgen for their efforts! I'll add this report on the wiki as well.
> We continued the work done the last time. We started from the top op the
> homepage and digging deeper and deeper in the wiki. This enables us to do
> see which pages are "lost" or without a link. They will not show up on the
> homepage nor on the Legacy page.
> = What we've done =
> • Updated the homepage
> • Finished BelgianTeam/FacebookTeam
> • Removed the Pictures page as it only had 1 photo of Feisty Fawn. We did
> note that the pictures can be found on the page of the even itself. We also
> strongly recomment the use of the flickrpool. Make sure to upload all
> pictures regarding ubuntu-be with the ubuntube tag.
> • A little guidance text was written for the BelgianTeam/Approval
> • We made clear that the ML is not a help or press desk, but a page
> dedicated to support can be found on the website (link added aswel)
> • For people comming on the BelgianTeam/PastMeetings true a searchcomputer
> it was unclear where to find the new meetings. We added a link to
> BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings
> • We added a bunch of links to the german LoCo team (and ubuntuusers.de as
> they seem to be connected so much)
> • We made the support-point-manual on the website available on the wiki
> homepage. This link comes instead of the initial support-point-manual on the
> wiki. That page is added to the legacy section now
> = Remarks =
> • There needs to be more active communitaction and decision making, things
> go darn slow sometimes and this also results in the effectiveness of both
> the wiki as the website
> • We need to update the BelgianTeam/Responsibility but we have tell first
> how we are going to be organized in the future
> • BelgianTeam/Skills is something that should be added to your profile on
> Ubuntu-be and not on the wiki. This ain't the place people are going to look
> for it. If it are the other members who can search for certain skills here
> the page should be maintained and updated. (IE take out who's not longer
> active etc.)
> • BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization is a sandbox for what U-be should become.
> Once we agreed on this the content of it should be converted to fit the
> BelgianTeam/Responsibility page.
> • Please do not use placeholders, if a page needs to be created in the
> future please do it then! Empty pages clutter our wiki!
> • We need a team that bundles and works out a path to use ALL our social
> networks in a decent way. a simultane notice on identi.ca, twitter, Orkut
> and Facebook will strenghten us as we can target more people in 1 move.
> There should be a way to add all 4 of them on a structurized way to the
> webpage
> • We've got a guide for the addition of links on the website. does it
> belong under the contact section? How can we attract more companies to join
> that page? (in addition how can we work more closely with companies without
> giving up our freedom?)
> • The BelgianTeam/PressCoverage should be updated, latest entry is of
> 2009/10/30. We either need some one (or a group of people) who update this
> page, or we need to close it and make it a legacy page. Remaining this page
> as an open/running page with no new entries makes it look like we haven't
> got a single thing done the last year and a half.
> • The belgianTeam/PressReleases is a great page but with only 1
> pressrelease in it there seems to be a problem, again: pointing someone
> responsible for this would resolve this.. PressContacts?
> • Also, can someone please tell me why the title tags "= some title ="
> don't work on this page?
> • As for the Education page it also depents on someone who maintains it.
> Without any current activities scheduled it is unclear what the use of this
> page is. Clarification needed.
> • Once again, same thing for the BelgianTeam/LocalizedCD. I believe we
> suggested in january to wait until after Fosdem to continue talking about
> this.
> • Big kudos to Jean as all the pages that he looks after are a good example
> of how to keep a wiki up to date. I do agree that it costs jean tons and
> tons of work to keep it structurized and updated. Nevertheless I think that
> if we give a bunch of people some kind of authority over 1 or 2 sections it
> would dramatically improve the wiki.
> • Events other then the dipro fairs need a fix plot. Just as DigitalWeek,
> Software Freedom Day and Fosdem it is suggested to add events who happen
> anually on this plot: BelgianTeam/NameOfEvent/Year
> • We've got a double in the promotion material! To get more structure
> jurgen and I moved the promotion section from BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs to
> BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Promotion. A little later we discovered a
> BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial. It is suggest to merge these together, but we
> where uncertain which page we should keep in place, ideas?
> • The BelgianTeam/OSLessLaptopShops is a page that should be maintained,
> jurgen and I are checking those who haven't been checked since 2006 to see
> if they are still available. It is to our believe though that we should try
> to have a tool like the supportermap where we can map these companies on our
> website. If we could merge this with the commercial_links on the website it
> would be nice. (This can wait until the supporter map is finished at we can
> try to make this map a spinoff of the supporter map)
> • We made the support-point-manual on the website available on the wiki
> homepage. This link comes instead of the initial support-point-manual on the
> wiki. That page is added to the legacy section now
> • We should try to define the use of the website and the wiki beter. A
> decent integration would benefit us. As jurgen said it: "The wiki sould be
> more about a 'knowledge base' and not a 'who are we'? that should be the
> ubuntu-be.org site. Although I understand that it is hard to find a way
> that our website can be edited by everyone without putting the whole
> infrastructure at risk. But a debat about this can be handy.
> • What do e do with the FutureEvents page? Do we ditch it or what? Jean
> allready added the note that people need to put links on the website, not on
> this page.
> = Still to do (before the possible restructure of U-be) =
> • add the links do the legacy pages
> • map the "lost" pages
> • add a link of the lates PCmagazine article about Ubuntu to
> BelgianTeam/PressCoverage
> • Translate the commercial links on the website to FR and GE (bug has to be
> made)
> • Place a link to the ubuntu-de wiki. right links can be found at
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-de-locoteam
> = Off topic =
> New shirts are ordered!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I suggest to talk about these things on some of the upcomming IRC meetings.
> Maybe we can add 1 topic each meeting or postpone some not-time-critical
> topics for a week? (Although I believe it's most important to talk about the
> structure change first)
> kind regards
> Wouter Vandenneucker
> --
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