[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 26/05/2011 – Report (USB stick)

Ward De Ridder ward.ubuntu at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 12:40:26 UTC 2011

I have just had a little chat with their sales team, this is what I found
For an additional color you have to pay the startup cost 1 more time, and
7ct extra / stick
And if we want the logo printed on both sides it's another aditional 11ct /
stick (no startup costs if it's the same print on both sides)

For postage costs it's free if we order more than €850, else they just
charge the costs of our prefered shipping method. They are located in
Dongen, that's not that far from the border, maybe someone comes there
regularly and can pick them up.

Keep in mind that the with the other shop (with the prices in the pdf at the
wiki), the 20% VAT isn"t included ider.

And about the 25, if we can buy a 100 for almost the same price I don't see
any use in buying 25 first :D
Worst case scenario (I don't think that will happen) if we really can't sell
them all we can offer them @fosdem next year for the same price we bought
them, than they will sell...


2011/6/1 Steven Leeman <steven op leeman.be>

> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Pierre Vorhagen <pvr op kthx.be> wrote:
>> On 01/06/11 14:04, Ward De Ridder wrote:
>>> I was just using my gmail webmail, and I found this in the add displayed:
>>> http://www.webkeys.nl/usbmemorystick.htm
>>> they are a lot cheaper than what we have now.
>> Interesting. They are a lot cheaper indeed, around 50%...
>> We should check out the vendors of both "stores", and maybe check if the
>> cheaper ones are of comparable quality. The price difference surely
>> justifies further investigations.
> caveats:
> minimum 100 pieces... (some talked about testing 25 pieces... but if
> ubuntu-be has indeed budget of 500-700 euro... you can look at bigger
> amounts... 100...250 pieces?)
> 1 color only or a surcharge of 39 euro per extra color (black & red?)
> remember : excl tax... so if budget is 500-700 euro... do mind to add tax
> to the total...
> I haven't yet found the cost for "sending" the pieces to Belgium...
> perhaps there are other hidden costs...
> i'll have to check out the website tonight
>> Pierre
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