[Ubuntu-be] Opening a blogroll and implementing social stuff to the ubuntu-be website

Pierre Buyle mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 09:11:51 UTC 2011


Regarding a planet on the website, we already have a (dying) planet.
Registred user can enter their feed URL and the planet should
aggregate their website. However, the planet seems to be unable to
update since a long time (I failed to address the issue before). I'm
currently trying to get the planet fixed:

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:44 AM, martijn cielen <mcielen at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd suggest splitting things up:
> 1. a blog with access for a limited number of people, to blog about events/...
> 2. a planet.ubuntu-be where all Belgian ubuntu users can be aggregated
> (cfr. planet.grep.be)
> kindest regards,
> Martijn
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 3:21 PM, wouter Vandenneucker
> <woutervddn at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I took my time to look at the existing bugs on the launchpad. (Those
>> subscribed to all bugs there might have got a lot of messages today, sorry
>> for that)
>> There was a bug placed on the 2nd of februari of 2010 that talks about
>> starting a blog for Ubuntu-Be.
>> I think it is a terrific idea and an opportunity to boost our facebook,
>> twitter, orkut and identi.ca accounts.
>> (bug can be found at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-belgium/+bug/516732)
>> The implementation of these things can go along resulting in a better more
>> dynamical experience of the website.
>> I started my search about this with facebook and twitter as they are the
>> once I know best. The integration can reach from adding like buttons to all
>> the blog posts till adding a social window inside of the page.
>> Twitter on the other hand can be coupled to facebook, resulting in only 1
>> window needed.
>> Lose from those social ideas the main thing should be a blogroll. As you can
>> read in the bug this can (apparently) be done allready. Nevertheless have
>> the ability to make a blog doesn't automatically result in having a blog,
>> let alone having people who read the blog. I'd like to here from you guys
>> how you think the blog should look and what you'd like.
>> To start the debate about this I'll start by telling what ideas crossed my
>> mind:
>> Authors: all users? just a few users? or both?
>> Where: on the homepage? on an other page? inside the planet? on
>> facebook/blogger/wordpress and only putting links on the website?
>> Content: only stuff about Ubuntu? only stuff for end-users? or developers?
>> or both?
>> also other linux related stuff?
>> does hardware matter?
>> should we only talk about releases and stuff?
>> or should we cover/feature and review certain applications?
>> should we talk about solutions for common problems?
>> should there be an idea list?
>> can we include applications that are not in the app center? (.deb and stuff)
>> are programs you should compile from scratch a 'no no' or a 'yes please I
>> might finally understand compiling'
>> should we target to existing users? starting ubuntueros? or hard core
>> ubuntueros?
>> should we talk about the netbook edition? about the server edition?
>> should we feature ubuntu derivates?
>> Please reply with your thoughts, I'm sure that I would love an Ubuntu-Be
>> blog. I'd even volunteer for writing it if no-one else would.
>> But knowing what you guys think about this idea would be great feedback. If
>> none of you sees the benefits of it we might as well drop the idea.
>> Kind regards
>> --
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> --
> (o_     martijn cielen
> //\
> V_/_    adminestering the world one system at a time
> --
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