[Ubuntu-be] Opening a blogroll and implementing social stuff to the ubuntu-be website
wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 18 14:21:27 UTC 2011
Hi everyone,
I took my time to look at the existing bugs on the launchpad. (Those subscribed to all bugs there might have got a lot of messages today, sorry for that)
There was a bug placed on the 2nd of februari of 2010 that talks about starting a blog for Ubuntu-Be.
I think it is a terrific idea and an opportunity to boost our facebook, twitter, orkut and identi.ca accounts.
(bug can be found at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-belgium/+bug/516732)
The implementation of these things can go along resulting in a better more dynamical experience of the website.
I started my search about this with facebook and twitter as they are the once I know best. The integration can reach from adding like buttons to all the blog posts till adding a social window inside of the page.
Twitter on the other hand can be coupled to facebook, resulting in only 1 window needed.
Lose from those social ideas the main thing should be a blogroll. As you can read in the bug this can (apparently) be done allready. Nevertheless have the ability to make a blog doesn't automatically result in having a blog, let alone having people who read the blog. I'd like to here from you guys how you think the blog should look and what you'd like.
To start the debate about this I'll start by telling what ideas crossed my mind:
Authors: all users? just a few users? or both?Where: on the homepage? on an other page? inside the planet? on facebook/blogger/wordpress and only putting links on the website?Content: only stuff about Ubuntu? only stuff for end-users? or developers? or both?
also other linux related stuff?
does hardware matter?
should we only talk about releases and stuff?
or should we cover/feature and review certain applications?should we talk about solutions for common problems?
should there be an idea list?can we include applications that are not in the app center? (.deb and stuff)are programs you should compile from scratch a 'no no' or a 'yes please I might finally understand compiling'should we target to existing users? starting ubuntueros? or hard core ubuntueros?should we talk about the netbook edition? about the server edition?
should we feature ubuntu derivates?
Please reply with your thoughts, I'm sure that I would love an Ubuntu-Be blog. I'd even volunteer for writing it if no-one else would.
But knowing what you guys think about this idea would be great feedback. If none of you sees the benefits of it we might as well drop the idea.
Kind regards
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