[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 10/02/2011 – Report

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 11 20:14:20 UTC 2011

...> IRC meeting 10/02/2011 – Report

> Present at the meeting (in random order) : JanC, mongolito404, 
> jimbauwens, ramtar, sylvaintechnic, woutervddn, Jean7491
>   b. Ubuntu promotion material for fairs/events :
> - Rollups to improve our booths: which design?  First proposals are 

> already in. Please add your proposals in the wiki page: 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsRollup2011
> Question to Canonical (if (free or cheap) rollups are available?) will 
> be sent through the LoCo-teams Council and the 
> loco-contacts op lists.ubuntu.com (mailing list). Perhaps other LoCo teams 
> are interested?

I just received word from canonical, they gave me the email address of a certain Laura Czajkowski. It appears that she's a member of the LoCo council.

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