[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 21/04/2011 – Report

Jurgen Gaeremyn jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Sat Apr 23 18:03:23 UTC 2011

Okay... about the conversion to CMYK using Scribus:

I couldn't get Scribus 1.3 or 1.4 to handle the files correctly... so I
downloaded Scribus 1.5 (svn).

Just plainly importing the rollout SVG gives errors (artefacts) - so I
regenerated the Rollout from scratch and have it in Scribus 1.5 using
the Ubuntu CMYK palette.

I also imported the Flyer Massimiliano made... this one went pretty well
(could import into Scribus NG... had to manually convert all the
colors). Just one "tiny" issue: the bitmap of the monitor is an
RGB-image. No software under Linux to convert bitmaps to CMYK. Going to
try out the development snapshot of GIMP, hoping they're a step further
there... :s

I didn't find the option to save as PDF/X-1A:2001 - even though I have
the file in CMYK now. (not exactly the same) Maybe someone can explain
to me how I can get this option...

Mail me if you want the SLA-files (they're pretty big though)


On 22-04-11 18:08, jean7491-Events-Team wrote:
> IRC meeting 21/04/2011 – Report
> Present at the meeting (in random order) : JanC, mimor, wouter_vddn,
> massimo21, clamam, jurgentje, sylvaintechnic, gadeynebram, Jean7491
> 1. Events
>  a. Dipro fair Ghent - 10/04/201 - report
> Finance: the booth fee was paid with 18 euros public gifts and 20 euros
> in advance from nero (to be reimburse). Jonas brought 30 cd's (to be
> reimburse). Saldo: 8,10 euros in de Event-Box (mimor).
>  b. Rewics 2011 - Rencontres Wallonnes de l'Internet Citoyen – Charleroi
> - 04/05/2011
> Coordination: Adrien. No new information. See
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/2011/Rewics-2011-05-04 and
> http://www.rewics.be/
>  c. Dipro fair Antwerp - 08/05/2011
> Volunteers, please add your names in the wiki
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Antwerp_2011-05-08
>  d. Release Parties 11.04
> A release/install party is planned by wamukota with ACCB Computer Club
> in Brugge on 11/05/2011.
> Another is planned by Bitmappers (no date). No other information about
> other parties.
> 2. Promotion
>  a. Promotion material in general through Canonical
> The LoCo Council was enthusiastic with our question and will ask
> Canonical if they want to provide promotional items to approved LoCo
> Teams at a discount price. First we need to know if Canonical wants to
> do this, then the LoCo council will ask for what items would be useful.
>  b. Flyers 2011
> As the final design is chosen and it is decided to order 5.000 flyers,
> there is still a problem to convert the file in PDF/X-1A:2001 with CMYK
> colors as required for printing. Used sites: flyer.be, drukland.be. 
> More expertise and information are needed.
>  c. Rollup
> See the wiki page
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsRollup2011 
> The last design Universal version (no text) looks very well.   Same file
> conversion problem as for the flyer.
> 3. Update Wiki and Web-site : no remark
> 4. Other questions
>  About Laying some foundations - Ubuntu-be.org needs a structure and an
> organization
> Notes are in the wiki page
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization.
> 10 participants to the planned meeting. Coordination is made about
> transportation.
> Jurgen will provide a TV screen (HDMI - VGA) and electr. outlets.
> 12.00-13.30 hr Meet and greet, food and drink
> 13.30-17.30 4 work-sessions (45 min work, 15 min break)
> Wouter is willing to take notes as secretary.
> 5. Next IRC meeting on Thursday 28/04/2011 at 21.00 hr.

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