[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 08/09/2010 – Report
jean7491 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 21:51:29 BST 2010
IRC meeting 08/09/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : nero_, JanC, Clamam,
massimo21, mongolito404, Jean7491
1. Past and future events - September 2010
a. Dipro fair 05/09 Ghent - report
Not a lot of people showed up, contact with people from PCVO Ghent
(flyers for future fairs), they organise Linux courses but use SuSE.
b. Dipro fair 12/09 Antwerp
Core Team Antwerp (coordination: Bram) : 4 volunteers .
Additional volunteers? Please contact directly Bram and add your names
in the wiki
b. Software Freedom Day (18/9) -
Information session is planned in Ostend, in cooperation with
Zandletters.be. Volunteers are welcome for assistance.
No other SFD2010 activity known in Belgium.
c. Nielse Computer Dag (26/9) in cooperation with local computerclub
Coordination : nero. For now, only 2 volunteers, we need minimum 2
additional volunteers. Niel is not far from Antwerp, Mechelen and
Brussels ! See nero_'s call in the mailing list.
2. Promotion
a. Adding (commercial and non-commercial) links to the website
We already discussed the topic, see detail/draft in the wiki
JanC is working for an email address "contact op ubuntu-be.org", as single
point of entry/contact between companies and Ubuntu-be: mail will be
transferred to some members of Ubuntu-be ("contact-group"). As soon as
the address is ready and tested, information and procedure will be
posted in the mailing list and can be relayed through personal contacts.
Idea is to forward the (external) request to a group of interested
people: after an internal coordination (request can be discussed in
meetings and/or using private email or any other media), the
contact-group will decide "yes or no" and who will answer to the request.
When information for publication is received in the same address
"contact op ubuntu-be.org", it will be pass to website-admin for addition
in the website.
About the "contact-group" and who are “interested people”? Members of
the Belgium LoCo Team (launchpad), interested to co-operate in this
matter and who apply to be part of the "contact group". Applications are
discussed in IRC meetings. Initial composition agreed: JanC,
mongolito404, Mark VDB, massimo21, Jean7491.
b. t-shirts for Ubuntu-be (warddr is leading the project)
We are waiting for other new design proposals. massimo21 already added
proposals. Other ideas?
See special (new) page
Timing: proposals can be sent till 15/09 20.00 hr. During the next IRC
meeting, we wil select a few design as preselection. Final decision at
the IRC meeting on 23/09. We should start with 100 t-shirts, and with
presale action.
c. Ubuntu and Facebook ?
Not everybody is happy with, but it is a fact and we should take it in
account and use the existing Facebook page Ubuntu-be which was created
in 2009 by Steven VL. Clamam will contact Steven.
We need a team of interested people, having expertise, to manage the
page and ensure an “animated” page about our activities. Then we can add
links (in the wiki and on the website?).
Additional information: an Ubuntu-be group exists on identi.ca (the FOSS
d. Ubuntu and Education
A lot of things are related to Education: contacts with PCVO's a.o.,
promotion in schools, "buurthuizen", what can we propose to schools ?,
“ICTpraktijkdag” - Hasselt in November, ... And not everybody has
teacher skill.
We need an “Education-team” with teachers (and others) to help
promotion (content and how to?): there are a lot of readers of the
mailing list who are education related. Someone should take initiative
to start a discussion group - Just do it! mazzimo21 will contact a
teacher at TIKB Houthalen.
Additionally, but not main task for the Education team, we should gather
information about the existing Linux/Ubuntu courses. Organizations with
such courses could be added to the link page (see above).
e. CDs 10.04LTS
Frederic asked CDs for the Eclectic Tech Carnival in Brussels 25-26/09:
answer by JanC.
Canonical has additional CD's 10.04LTS available for LoCo teams: as CD's
are usefull, even after 10.10 release, Jan C will request extra CDs.
3. Update Wiki Belgian Team - no suggestion
4. Support points map status : nothing new, we are waiting for
mongolito404 availability.
5. Other questions
a. Welcome to the newcomer in the Belgian Local Community Team last
week (in Launchpad): Egon (ILUsion).
b. Monthly reports of LoCo Teams: please have a look at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue209. It is a long
newsletter, which includes a lot of information and monthly reports from
other teams.
c. Availability for meeting day ?
We received 10 answers to the request, detail as follow: Monday 6,
Tuesday 7, Wednesday 7, Thursday 7 and Friday 4. No significant
difference, Wednesday and Thursday seem the best days. We will try a
Thursday meeting next week on 16/09.
6. Next IRC meeting on Thursday 16/09/2010 at 21 h.
Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
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