[Ubuntu-be] New banner voor Ubuntu-be

Pierre Buyle mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Fri May 21 07:09:15 BST 2010


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:53 PM, Jean7491 <jean7491 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  When the new Ubuntu font is released, we can improve the project.
At yesterday meeting, Canonical's folk promosed the font will be released
"soon". As well as more branding resources for LoCo team to use.

> My project is for a banner > 1 meter lenght : the small logo does not fit
> with, but could be used for other purpose.
I really like the idea of using the ubuntu-be.org name on the banner. To me
"Ubuntu" is the most important part of the message. The banner should
reflect this by allowing it to be the first catched word. Here is a
quick-n-dirty proposition I made trying to do that. The "-be.org" part is
split in two lines with more emphases on the Be. It needs more work but it
clearly show the idea.

Regarding Koen's circle of friend with the Belgian flag, I like the
'traditional' color stripes as background more than I though when I did some
variations (see my previous mail). Except for the the 'light glow' on
top-right. IMHO, gradient should be avoided. They make the logo less
readable and harder to properly print while. They also look 'heavier'. Solid
colors (with contrasted borders) fit better in a logo or a banner, are
easier to print. They also reflect the idea of light (as opposed to heavy)
that's one of the values of the (new) Ubuntu brand we are supposed to

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