[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: Mila Druwe fedict...: Re: offre tousenligne.be / aanbod iedereenonline.be

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Wed Jan 6 18:26:30 GMT 2010

Op woensdag 06-01-2010 om 18:10 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Pierre
> So, the FEDICT believe in letting the market decides what to offer to
> the people. At the same time, the EC agreed that MS abused of its
> position on the market to hurt its competitors. And even if MS didn't
> abuse of its position, the market is heavily unbalanced because two
> companies (MS and Apple) have more than 95% of its shares. So I find
> it foolish to believe that any free market theory can be applied.
> IMHO, by doing nothing to restore some competition on a broken and
> unbalanced market the FEDICT actually asserts its preference to
> preserve the actual state of the world. 

FEDICT can't make new laws, and AFAIK they are actually quite

In case we want/need to influence the wording of the public tender (e.g.
require "secure software" instead of "anti-virus"), we'll have to lobby
in parliament & at the responsible ministries.

But most importantly: we'd need a company that's prepared to sell a
linux-based solution and support it!  I'd love to hear from such a
company...  :)

BTW: does anybody know where to find the legal tender that was published
in this case?  (I've been searching a bit, but don't know what words to
search for exactly.)
Even if it's too late for this time, we might be able to learn from it
for next time (and maybe even send them some suggestions).

Jan Claeys

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