[Ubuntu-be] Dipro fair Hasselt - 27/09/2009 - Report

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Mon Sep 28 20:29:28 BST 2009

Hi to all,

Here the report on the Dipro fair in Hasselt - 27/09/2009 (available in 
the wiki 
/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/


The booth has been organized as described in this wiki with 5 volunteers 
(4 Support points (Claudio, Daniel, Enes, Koen ) en Jean), and enough 
hardware (1 netbook, 2 laptops, 2 PC, one 24"LCD screen (thanks to Guy) 
and additional material.

The booth was organized as follow :
- 1 LCD screen + 1 desktop at the beginning of the booth, with Ubuntu 
presentation (see wiki : Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp),
- 1 laptop ready with the demo/presentation "how to use a live-cd", and 
available for more demo,
- 1 netbook, 1 laptop and 1 PC All-in-screen, with volunteers in front 
of the tables, giving explanations and demonstrations, distributing 
flyers and cd's. Despite its small size, the netbook has attracted a lot 
of curious visitors.

The Ubuntu-be booth was located in a fairly good place, with easy access 
and enough place for visitors to walk. The booth (3 tables for the price 
of 2) was well adapted to our deployment, with enough depth back of the 
booth. The booth was correctly decorated with table cloth, posters, 
flyers, plastic stands with A4 flyers and A6, an improvised support to 
fix 2 posters and a Be LoCo Team banner as background of the booth. 
Working with laptop or netbook on the table is not easy when you and the 
visitor are standing in front of the table, we used 1 wooden box to 
elevate 1 laptop ( ± 30 cm high). We should find other easy solution. 
There was no WiFi, but we used a Telenet hotspot thanks to Daniel.

We distributed approximatively 120 flyers, 40 information sheets, 80 
sheets about the use of live-cd's and 90 cd's Ubuntu 9.04 (+ a few other 
versions), always on request of interested persons and after 
explanation. With a stock of 20 original cd's and 20 home-burned cd's, 
we had to burn 50 cd's and used home-printed CD sleeves.

Generally visitors knew about Ubuntu and were interested by additional 
information. Some people did not know about the existence of Ubuntu.. 
 From 10.30 to 14.00 h. : many interested visitors, we were permanently 
busy with questions, explanations and demonstrations (full manning of 
the booth!). From 14.00 to 16.00 h. : less public, but permanently 
visitors with questions.

Like in previous fairs, we had contacts with people teaching 
Linux-Ubuntu in their environment : it could be useful to create a team 
or sub-team "Ubuntu in education" that could support teachers, 
especially if they are teaching (and promoting) Ubuntu, with their 

Frequently asked questions were : - the use of Ubuntu and Windows on a 
PC (dual boot), - how to work with a live-cd, - the step "Partitioning a
HD -- where to install Ubuntu" during the install process.

We used 2 presentations (screenshots "how to use a live-cd" and the 
installation process (thanks Daniel) ) in support of explanations. A 
presentation of the step "manually partitioning" (a few screenshots) 
should be useful. We had no documentation (paper) about the installation 
of a dual-boot Ubuntu-Vista, to support the (verbal) explanation.

To constitute the team, 20 support points of Hasselt area were 
contacted, with 6 answers and 4 volunteers effectively involved in the 
booth. The BitMappers local computer club was not present in the fair.

Finance : 80 euro public gifts, minus booth fee 38 euro, 1x50 cd's (13 
euro), 1 x 100 cd sleeves (2,50 euro). The remaining 26,50 euro will be 
transferred to Ubuntu-be account by Jean7491. The remaining stock of 
blanco cd's and cd sleeves will be used in the next events.

It was a successful event for Ubuntu promotion in Hasselt area, with 4 
new motivated volunteers (and 2 other positive contacts).
There is a possibility to participate to the Genk Dipro fair on 
06/12/2009 if we succeed to find a leader and to provide enough support 
to a local team.
We need boxes to elevate the laptops and netbooks for an easier use, 
supports for posters, a presentation with screenshots of the 
installation of Ubuntu and a document about the installation of Ubuntu 
in dual-boot with Vista (and Windows 7).

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