[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting on 13/05/2009 - Report
Lagneau Frédéric
lf7108 at gmail.com
Fri May 15 17:31:13 BST 2009
Pierre Buyle a écrit :
> 2009/5/15 Lagneau Frédéric <lf7108 at gmail.com>:
>> Suggestions
>> - to organize something as a ubuntu-be-website-hack-weekend
>> - to arrange a meeting so we can inform the interested people to join
>> that meeting (but waiting mongolito404 is back)
>> Hi, I'm back but I've been quite busy since I returned from holidays.
>> I really like the idea of organizing a website hack weekend (or even a
>> single day). Although we need more writing (in Dutch, English, French
>> and German) than hacking. If you look at the bugs list
>> (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-belgium/+bugs), most of them are
>> Incomplete because we need a German translation for some strings.
>> I'll try to be at the next IRC meeting but I don't know yet if I will
>> have a working Internet connection (I'm moving this week-end).
>> I find that communication in French is also missing.
>> I am French-speaking and I feel out of the way because it is always
>> difficult to me to communicate notably when that there is that of Flemish
>> men.
>> Englishman, I manage, but Flemish men, I understand nothing.
>> Thank you.
> Well I'm French speaking too. But I favor English for communication
> inside Ubuntu-be because of efficiency. Disucssions started in in
> French or Dutch have a tendency to stay in only on language. IMHO, it
> drives more people away than English. It sure drive me away when the
> discussion is in Dutch since I barely understand it. But I always do
> the effort to try to understand a minimum to see if I may bring some
> value by joining the discussion (in English). Most of the time it
> involve automatic translation (http://translate.google.com).
> Anyway, I wasn't talking about internal communications but about the
> website. The issue of German translation applies to all external
> communication.
> And now in French...
> Je suis aussi francophone. Mais j'ai tendance à utiliser l'anglais
> pour les communications internes au sein d'Ubuntu-be pour des raisons
> d'efficacité. Les discussions commençant en français ou en néerlandais
> ont tendances à se confiner dans une seule langue. Avec pour effet
> encore plus de personnes isolées de la discussion. Je ne comprends pas
> vraiment le néerlandais, mais je l'effort d'essayer de comprendre un
> minimum afin de voir si je peux apporter une valeur à la discussion en
> y participant (en anglais).
> Quoiqu'il en soit, il n'était pas question de communication internes
> mais du site web. Le problème de la traduction en allemand se pase
> pour quasi toute les communications extérieures.
No problems, it was only a suggestion of general order. I also use a
translator if possible, even if I manage in the language of Shakespeare,
I have lacunas.:) Good night, thanks for your answer. See you soon.
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