[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be Forum ?

Pierre Buyle mongolito404 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 20:17:28 BST 2009


Today, again, the discussion about having a forum for Ubuntu-be
started again. The last time, I setup-ed a Nabble forum which is just
an "archive" of the mailing list presented like a forum. If I
understand correctly this does not meet the needs of those preferring
a forum interface for discussion. If I understand correctly, the main
issues with the mailing list, and any web interface over it, is the
chaos generated by multiple discussions in the same "thread" (same
email subject). IMHO, this is more the result of users behaviors
(changing the mail subject is easy in most email client, as is
filtering and archives) than inherent to the medium (tons of FOSS
projects use mailing list successfully). Personnaly, I've two issue
against a forum, the multiplication of communication channels and the
technical burden of maintenance and moderation.

I'm not in favor of more communication channels but maybe we should
move our "day-to-day" discussions to a forum and use the mailing more
wisely for announcements and when reaching its large but mostly
passive users base is required. Also, a the forum should became the
central point for information which could be better maintained, shared
and updated through the wiki.

For the technical and practical part of the maintenance issue, as the
main web administrator I'm not interested to maintain a forum, even if
it shouldn't be hard with Drupal. So if we should go for a real forum
I propose we ask for an forum hosted at ubuntuforums.org. According to
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCreatingForum we just have to ask. I don't
use ubuntuforums.org a lot but it seems to offer Launchpad integration
(easy login) and email notices on forum/thread updates to allow email
oriented user to keep it up with the discussions. So if
ubuntuforums.org fits the needs, and I think it does, the technical
part is the an issue anymore.

The last point is the moderation. Who will need someone tech-savy
enough and time-savy to do the job (like turning off-topics posts into
new thread, closing flame-wars, etc.). With the mailing list the task
is lighter for the moderator because everybody needs to apply it
itslef in his/her mail client according to its needs. On a forum the
moderators to do the job for evertybody in a way that please everyone.

mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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