[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting report 19/08/2009

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Thu Aug 20 16:47:07 BST 2009

IRC meeting report
Present at the IRC meeting 19/08/2009 (in random order): JanC,
jean7491,  Indra6oc,  mimor, dup_

1. Future events
a.  06/09 Dipro fair Ghent
Already a minimum of 4 volunteers in the wiki, but additional volunteers
are welcome for a better work. Call will be posted in the mailing list.
We need a volunteer to coordinate the  booth (installation, organization
and work). Who?
Guy (Linux-Service) has a 24" lcd acer we can use for the fair: who can
pick it up in Gavere, bring it to the fair and back to Gavere?

b.  13/09 Dipro fair Antwerp
Already 4 volunteers in the wiki. A call for more volunteers will be posted.

c. 19/09 Software Freedom Day - HCC Vlaanderen OpenDeur Dag Wezembeek-Oppem
Jan will contact HCC Vlaanderen and coordinate the booth.
Again, a call for volunteers will be posted in the mailing list.

d. 12-20/09/2009 Internationale jaarbeurs Accenta op Flanders Expo
Digipolis Afdeling Gent suggests Ubuntu-be participates to their booth
with presentations and/of demonstrations.
mimor will contact the organizator about what is expected from Ubuntu-be.
Is such a participation within our possibilities? Are there volunteers?
If we decide to participate to the booth Digipolis, we will first need a

e. 27/09 Dipro fair Hasselt
Only 1 volunteer. A call will be launched in the mailing list and
towards the support points in and around Hasselt.

Suggestion from mimor: how about some regular drink-event: just get
together and have a drink somewhere... without being promoting linux?

2. Promotion material
New posters and flyers are in process to be ordered, and will be
available for the events in september. A mail about special orders of
posters or flyers will be posted.

3 Organization of the Belgian LoCo Team
A proposal for comment is available in the wiki at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization :
There is a very limited interest for this topic. As priority is given to
the organization of events, the topic is delayed.

4. Next IRC meeting on 26/08/2009 at 21 h.

/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/
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