[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu CD's

Ivan Flo Ivan at hetmosterdzaadje.be
Tue May 27 10:58:07 BST 2008

I want to repley to the both way's of getting a Ubuntu-CD: Original or download.
As I'm a teacher for adult people,and they have payed a lot of money for those courses, they are not very motivated to spend more money.
"there are free, YOU can download them,yes?"
I can ask to download the CD. That would take some expensive time, and download.
I can ask to Syntrawest to make copies.
On the other hand, an official cd is always an eyecatcher.
I have the latest orginal version, that works.
That's an catcher. (costumer-binder)
Merchandising can be done, as I do it by visiting the site, documentation and so on. 
Always surch at the source, meaning Ubunt-nl.
Sorry guys, the ubunt-be is not very documentated.
The motivation of most people is there money they spend on those courses (about 450euro)
(Not only Linux, of course, networking, windows, and more ...)
My expirience with Linux (/ubunt) is simple:
"Thats for nerds, geeks and there is no community."
With some merchandising, I hope to change all that in my encouter with the students.
You know, I was scared myself to start with Ubuntu.
For the same reasons. Now I'm a Ubuntu teacher ...
Met voorname groet

Ivan Flo


Van: ubuntu-be-bounces op lists.ubuntu.com namens Bart Broeckx
Verzonden: di 27-5-2008 11:12
CC: Ubuntu Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu CD's

I'll bring the package with about 100 cd's to Leuven on Thursday. I'll also bring a bundle of Tux posters, it belongs to Guy Duportail. They where recovered at the end of the Hardy Release Party in Amsterdam. Maybe Ivan can ask him if he can use one or two?
Kind regards,

2008/5/27 Nicolas Pettiaux <nicolas op pettiaux.be>:

	2008/5/27 Mark Van den Borre <mark op markvdb.be>:

	> I suggest to add a note to the package saying what it cost us. We
	> could then sollicit a free gift.
	I think this is what we need to do: free software introduces a new way
	to produce and distribute software, but there are still costs that
	have to be covered.
	I think we *need* to tell the people that the software can be free (=
	gratis) if downloaded from the web as it is immaterial and taken in
	charge by the user himself, but that *every* physical (= material)
	activity has a physical cost (aka the law of nature apply and a cost
	must cover the expense of energy).
	We need to educate the users *both* of these new ways to share and
	develop software and the fact that immaterial can be free but material
	cannot (or if theyr are free they are paid by someone else)

	> We have the financial means to try
	> this approach. If it works, we have one more powerful means of
	> spreading the word.
	Nicolas Pettiaux
	April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » - www.april.org <http://www.april.org/> 
	Rejoignez maintenant près de 2 000 personnes, associations,
	entreprises et collectivités qui soutiennent notre action

Bart Broeckx
Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
3500 Hasselt
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