[Ubuntu-be] Oost-Vlannderen - Geraardsbergen moving onto the future

Bart Broeckx bart at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 10 23:21:34 GMT 2008

Hi Glenn,

Having a DVD introduction to Ubuntu on the Release Party would be a great
idea. We could try to project the dvd onto a big screen.
I don't know if there are such dvd's available somewhere. what will be on
this DVD ? Compiz Fusion? Beginners explanation? ... ?

Keep me in touch about this project.
 I'll contact you to help me out on the Hardy Release Party


2008/1/10, glennsouth < fa036236 op skynet.be>:
> Mark, Bart, May 3rd. is set aside if you need my help. But we have come
> up with a game plan to move ubuntu further down here. DVD Videos on the
> refurbished machines in the retail winkels. Are there already AVI's,
> DVD' already available as an introduction to Ubuntu? We are moving
> forward with this production, but I wish not to duplicate things that
> are already done.
> A local retailer was here yesterday with a new Brothers Printer FAX COPY
> PC-135 for sale that does everything, but we have a little problem with
> the code. It works in ROOT USER mode but not Regular user mode.
> 1. Is there someone I can direct the code too?
> 2. He also wants to know how to tell GRUB how to make Windows XP? / BOOT
> first. And what files or code you need to do a change too.
> This is a second party retailer investment to the Ubuntu rollout cause
> here in Geraardsbergen.
> We are moving very fast down here for this cause.
> Post, as needed. fa036236 op skynet.be
> Glenn South
> 0032.
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
> You can find list info and your subscription configuration options at:
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Bart Broeckx
Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
3500 Hasselt
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