[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu Noorderkempen

Bart Broeckx bartek at ubuntu-nl.org
Mon Nov 26 19:13:04 GMT 2007

Ik heb deze mail maar gelijk op het Nederlandstalig forum geplaatst.


2007/11/26, Mark Van den Borre <mark at markvdb.be>:
> Stijn,
> > Een maand geleden starten we in de Noorderkempen met een Ubuntu
> community.
> That's really nice!
> [...]
> > Momenteel zoeken we nog nieuwsposters of mensen
> > die handige
> >  ubuntu downloads willen posten met referentie. Er staan er al enkele
> > online.
> > We willen ook binnen
> >  het half jaar een Ubuntu bijeenkomst houden en onze "producten"
> promoten.
> > Voor iedereen die wil
> >  overstappen maar denkt dat de stap te groot is, of gewoon
> sympathisanten.
> Please keep this list informed of your plans! Well in advance please,
> so other people from this list might be able to help you organise
> things.
> Groeten,
> Mark
> P.S. I didn't want the following comment to be my first answer to your
> announcement. I have a small hint that you might at first sight
> consider negative criticism, which it isn't, really...
> On the ubuntudk.be front page, there is a document on ubuntu and
> banks. No mention of the source. Some of us started centralising this
> volatile information on a wiki so it could easily be kept up to date.
> What will happen if someone starts googling in a few years? Please
> think about that! You might want to just put up a link to
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NlBeOnlineBankieren instead of that document.
> That will really help ubuntu users get access to the most recent
> information, now and in the future.
> --
> Mark Van den Borre
> Noormannenstraat 113
> 3000 Leuven, België
> +32 486 961726
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> You can find list info and your subscription configuration options at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

Bart Broeckx
Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
3500 Hasselt
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