[Ubuntu-be] SCSI and memory problem with the eventbox pc of East-flanders

Dieter Vanderfaeillie dieter.vanderfaeillie at gmail.com
Thu May 31 22:54:07 BST 2007


The event-box computer of east-flanders is experiencing problems. It  
appears to have faulty memory.
The last Dirpo fair in Ghent we collected a database of people intrested  
in ubuntu-be on that pc. That database is still on the SCSI-Hard disk of  
that pc. However I'm unable to gain acces to that hard disk now because  
the pc appears to have faulty memory. (and I cannot boot it)

I can't hook the hard disk up to another pc either, since I don't have any  
SCSI pc's (except old apple scsi drivers ;) )
That's why i'm looking for someone who can help.

There are two possible solutions:
1) other 'new' memory
    If someone has this type of memory which he would like to donate to  
ubuntu, then it could be used to revive the pc (and the database on it)
    This (rare) memory: 256MB Rambus 184-pin PC600 ECC RDRAM RIMM, see  
http://www.memoryx.net/xrf256.html. Picture here  

2) trash the PC and save the data on the Hard Disk
    This solution requieres someone with a SCSI pc. Any help would greatly  
be appreciated.

I hope for poitive reply's


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