[Ubuntu-be] status evenbox issue 1

Annelies Bollen kleinewereld at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 00:14:30 GMT 2007

Hi Ubunteros,

Since a lot of people asked that a eventbox-status e-mail should be
written, I hereby present you with the first edition. :-)

Like Ismaël Demiddel wrote in the report of last meeting, I have set
up : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Eventbox (and Mark made it
sound nice and look good). This page however states what we've cooked
up and are wishing for. It explains in short what the idea is behind
the eventbox(es) and who to contact if you want to help out.

Currently we have 1 and a half old pc, without keyboard and mouse,
without monitor. We have 4 cable locks. They're all still at my place
(Wijgmaal) but they can be used already for events if they are needed.
The only downside is that I do not have any other means of
transportation than the public transportation, so it's a bit difficult
to drop the stuff off at the other end of Belgium.

Some time ago Toni Van Remortel has offered four P3 1GHz, 512 Mb RAM
pc's what I am glad to accept. But they are not going to be available
before July 2007.
Toni is this still correct?

Mark did a great part of what I am supposed to do, by sending out some
e-mails to people asking for help, or 'Bedelen Voor De Goede Zaak' as
he puts it ( http://blog.markvdb.be/2007/03/bedelen-voor-de-goede-zaak.html
I didn't receive any reaction yet.

If you want to help out, please don't hesitate to contact me! Even if
it's just a mouse or the 5 euro's you found while walking down the

I'll keep you informed of what's happening. Questions can be directed
to me or Mark.

A big thank you in advance and good night!

Annelies Bollen (Lisje)
kleinewereld at gmail.com

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