[Ubuntu-be] Request for promotional materials - BxLUG participation to the "Wetenschap-expo-sciences 2007"

Laurent Pirotte laurent.pirotte at skynet.be
Sun Mar 4 13:50:14 GMT 2007


From the 3 to the 5 of may, the "Jeunesses Scientifiques de Belgique asbl" 
& "Jeugd, Cultuur & Wetenschap" wzw will organise a scientific fair where 
about 2000 young people from 5 to 25 years will expose various scientific 
projects. They will be visited by their families, scolar groups, teachers, 
researchers, scool directors & public.

For more info about this event see http://www.jsb.be or http://www.jcweb.be/

At bxLUG, some people are thinking that's a fantastic opportunity to promote 
the use of open-source software in the academic community but also in the 
family sphere. We would like to present the ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu 

The JSB request that if we are present, our stand must be attractive é 
interactive. In order to meet these requirement we are looking for :

	- promotional material : posters, stickers, ... & (the most important) free 
live cds
	- people who can animate the stand during the fair (3->5 May, Brussels 
Expo-Heysel  Palis 3)
	- hardware (about 5 to 10 PCs)

If you are interested to help us in any way, don't hesitate to contact me.


Laurent Pirotte
Laurent.Pirotte at skynet.be
Essayez l'open source, testez Kubuntu !

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