[Ubuntu-be] LinuxFriendlyShop
guy duportail
guy at linux-service.be
Tue Jan 9 20:48:10 GMT 2007
maybe start with putting those shops on the ubuntu-be.org website.
just like on :
Op dinsdag 9 januari 2007 21:24, schreef Bart Broeckx:
> I have an idea in my head but i'm not sure if it's a good one, please read
> the text and tell me what you think.
> Once there was a rabbit that went to the baker and asked for carrot cake,
> but ... said that baker ... we do not have carrot cake, on which the rabbit
> left disillusioned. But every day that rabbit comes back to that baker and
> asks for carrot cake. Up to on a day the baker decided to bake a carrot
> cake. The rabbit came to the bakery, the baker was very proud with its
> carrot cake ... on which that rabbit said: "Awful isn't it".
> This old joke made me think. PC. shops sells only Windows and very seldom
> someone asks for Linux.
> Because not many people ask that question yet the shops will do no effort
> to support Linux.
> What can we do so people will ask for Linux? I thought that it would be a
> good idea if we create a sticker which we put on the front door or window
> of shops which sells PC's without Windows or even with Linux installed
> already. Since people see the sticker coming in they may ask for it. As a
> return we may provide these shops with Ubuntu cd's so they can give one
> with every pc they sell?
> Conditions:
> This sticker must be clearly recognizable.
> Sticker everywhere the same, in the Netherlands and in Belgium
> I have made an example, perhaps there are other people better in making
> these things?
> The example is included in this letter.
> Comments certainly welcome. If you think the idea is ridiculous, also
> gladly heard.
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