[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu summit

Bart Broeckx bartek at ubuntu-nl.org
Sat Jan 6 21:12:15 GMT 2007

I was at the Ubuntu meeting and I did not have any troubel of finding this
Are you sure you have the same route description as us?:

The route was clearly written in an e-mail on the mailinglist:

aan Ubuntu
 Meer opties  5 jan. (23 uren geleden)Hi all,

Some last minute details for tomorrow's meeting.

WHO: active volunteers or the intention to become one
WHEN: tomorrow, 2007/01/06, 15.00 -> 18.00 _sharp_
WHERE: Sint-Jansschool, Mechelsevest, Leuven; see
http://l2u.iguana.be/?q=node/3 for more info about the place (we're in
a different room inside the building though)

Sorry you missed the meeting after a long drive to Leuven.

2007/1/6, guido dom <guido.dom at gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone
> As the participants of the summit know allready, I was in Leuven, learned
> from a friend of Mark that he was absent, learned from him (by mobile) that
> the meeting took place somewhere else (e-mailed at 0100 this morning!!),
> searched for a school (no name and no house number "maybe 2, but I'm not
> sure"!!)  in a street of a town that I don't know, found a school but the
> wrong one (how could I know?) and learned on the phone "we are very busy at
> the moment and no, that's not the right school" and the phone went dead.
> Are you surprised I gave up and drove home (another 150 km)? I was lucky
> enough to be able to pick up a replacement Ubuntu PC at Recupc.
> I hope the meeting has been very productive but I can assure you that you
> will no see me on another meeting. No thanks.
> If Ubuntu Belgium suffers or will suffer from the same careless
> organisational methods, there will, as far as I know, not be a major
> breakthrough in the very near future.
> I am sending this in English, hoping that the flemish AND french speaking
> members will understand the message.
> --
> Tel:+32 (0)58 239804  +32 (0)497 538736
> Nog een mooie dag toegewenst.
> Guido (dompie) Dom
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
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