[Ubuntu-be] KEduca + KTouch

Andy Goossens andygoossens at telenet.be
Fri Jan 5 19:13:23 GMT 2007

On Friday 05 January 2007 19:03, ismael.demiddel at telenet.be wrote:
> Does someone knows if these programs are available on Windows?

At this moment: no.

KTouch will probably become available after the KDE 4.0 release, somewhere 
later this year. The KDE Subversion repository already contains a port to the 
latest Qt 4 and pre-KDE 4 libraries which should enable KDE applications to 
run on Windows platforms.

> Is there a possibility to enable one or both these programs in Windows XP?

If you are really adventurous you can try compiling a development version of 

The future about KEduca is somewhat unsure. It was removed by its maintainer 
from the KDE repository. He has plans to rewrite his application.

// Andy Goossens

// Quote of the moment:
The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference
between a mermaid and a seal.
		-- Mark Twain

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