[Ubuntu-be] advertentie
Stijn Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 00:23:09 GMT 2007
On 1/3/07, Jan Claeys <ubuntu at janc.be> wrote:
> Op woensdag 03-01-2007 om 20:24 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef guy
> duportail:
> > I have an agreement with "De Standaard" for placing an commercial
> > advertisement( for linux-service.be bvba) in this newspaper on the release
> > day of windows vista(29 jan).They hoping to place it on a page where there
> > will be an editorial about Vista.
> DS has its own readers public that's completely different than that of
> newspapers like HN, HV, HLN, GvA or HbvL. Be sure to target the "right"
> audience.
> > I'm no marketing man,so looking for help about the text content of the ad.
> > We offer linux pre-installed computers(www.linux-service.be) and installation
> > service(www.papegaaiduiker.be)
> Does anybody know what Microsoft's "slogan" for Vista is (or will be)?
I've seen three slogans so far:
"Clear, Confident, Connected"
"Bringing clarity to your world"
"A breakthrough computing experience"
Stijn Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com
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