No subject

Thu Apr 26 15:22:31 BST 2007

have to be ordered before the end of 15 May:
> * T-Shirt 185gr/sqm, navy blue Size S-XXL 14,00=80
> * Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, navy blue, Size S-XXL 17,00=80
> The shirts will be available for pickup in Turnhout.
> If you cannot pick them up and would like me to send them to you, it will
> cost another 4,30=80 extra! This is still cheaper than ordering it direct=
> from the supplier though. (ordering directly from the supplier would cost
> you about 24.00=80 with shipping)
> If you want to order shirts, follow these steps:
> 1. Send me a mail with the subject "shirt order" and tell me what you wan=
> to order in the mail.
> 2. Transfer the money for the order to bank account number 001-4589749-76=
> If you need IBAN or BIC:
> IBAN code: BE91 0014 5897 4976

Wesley Stessens <wesley at>
Human Knowledge Belongs To The World - Antitrust (2001)

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<span style=3D"font-weight: bold;">Update:</span><br><br clear=3D"all">From=
 now on, only Blue shirts can be ordered!<br><br><blockquote style=3D"borde=
r-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-le=
ft: 1ex;" class=3D"gmail_quote">
have to be ordered before the end of 15 May:<br>* T-Shirt 185gr/sqm, navy b=
lue Size S-XXL 14,00=80<br>* Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, navy blue, Size S-XXL 17=
<br><br>The shirts will be available for pickup in Turnhout.<br><br>If
you cannot pick them up and would like me to send them to you, it will
cost another 4,30=80 extra! This is still cheaper than ordering it
directly from the supplier though. (ordering directly from the supplier
would cost you about 24.00=80 with shipping)<br><br>If you want to order sh=
irts, follow these steps:<br><br>1. Send me a mail with the subject &quot;s=
hirt order&quot; and tell me what you want to order in the mail.<br>2. Tran=
sfer the money for the order to bank account number 001-4589749-76.
<br><br>If you need IBAN or BIC:<br><br>IBAN code: BE91 0014 5897 4976<br>B=
IC code: GEBABEBB</blockquote><br>-- <br>Wesley Stessens &lt;<a href=3D"mai=
lto:wesley at">wesley at</a>&gt;<br>Human Knowledge B=
elongs To The World - Antitrust (2001)
<br><a href=3D""></a>


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