[Ubuntu-be] feisty vs vista

Stijn Verslycken mailstijn at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 19:53:52 BST 2007

On 4/25/07, Serge van Ginderachter <serge at vanginderachter.be> wrote:
> Nice (Dutch) article on Ubuntu vs Vista
> http://www.diskidee.nl/2007/04/17/boksmatch-tussen-ubuntu-linux-en-windows-vista/7451/1
> Ca be a nice introductory read for new users. I'll also add it on the PR
> page

Very nice indeed :)
Great conclusion in the end !

I've noticed that their testing machine has about the same
configuration as my own laptop. Luckily they apparently didn't
encounter any X problems with their ATI X1600.

Except for this quite severe ati-installer bug, Feisty totally rocks.
Many many little things got better compared to Edgy.

Stijn "Slike" Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com

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