[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu Feisty - A little disappointed...
Stijn Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 18:15:56 BST 2007
On 4/22/07, Jan Claeys <ubuntu at janc.be> wrote:
> Op zaterdag 21-04-2007 om 20:34 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Stijn
> Verslycken:
> > I own a Dell Inspiron 6400 (in the States known as E1505), which is
> > quite common and sold all around the world. This laptop has a Core 2
> > Duo T7200 cpu, 2GB RAM, a 160GB Sata disk, ipw3945abg wireless nic,
> > broadcom lan nic, ...and an ATI Mobilty Radeon X1400...
> >
> > I started off by booting a Feisty Live cd. The kernel loaded, the
> > fancy Ubuntu boot screen showed up and after a short while all
> > activity stopped and my numlock/capslock/... leds started blinking: a
> > kernel panic had occurred... Really cool :(
> Do you know why the kernel paniced? (And why the alternate CD didn't
> panic, as it uses exactly the same kernel...)
I have no idea. Because the graphical bootup screen was used, I have
no idea what was actually happening. I saw the progress indicator
stopped, my cd drive stopped, there was no activity on my harddisk and
all leds started blinking, a typical sign to indicate a kernel panic.
I tried to reproduce it later on, but luckily I was not able to do so.
It boots up the system, and instead of showing the gdm login screen,
it shows a blue screen "Failed to start the X server....." and then a
command line login prompt.
> Did you try to boot using the "safe graphics" boot option?
I did, but the results are all the same.
Stijn "Slike" Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com
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