[Ubuntu-be] Support points map status

Marc Portier mpo at outerthought.org
Tue Apr 17 13:06:45 BST 2007

mongolito404 wrote:

> You can see these three bug at
>  * https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bug/103503
>  * https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bug/103485
>  * https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bug/101903
> These three bugs are important but I don't see them a stoppers,

fair enough,

I've just ran through the i18n test again on
(http://ubuntumapbeta.lusis.be/beta) and could now verify correct entry
and display of the data, so I assume it is safe to close this one.
(remeber that I could never perform a new data test since for some
reason validation never worked for me)

However, I _did_ report an obvious utf8 issue with old imported data
(which is still present: "Ismaël") So whatever data-import procedure
you have been using before, I think it should be checked and ammended
before taking it into production!

Furthermore, I also noticed the updated lost-password procedure and the
red-highlighting for validation errors, nice work + nice to see my
feedback was useful enough to consider :-)

One last thingy though: (see launchpad

the dutch version of the first show-option-button is showing a typo
"eeb gratus Ubuntu-installatieset"

should be
"een gratis Ubuntu-installatieset"


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