[Ubuntu-be] 22/04: Ubuntu install party

Bruno De Bondt bruno at indymedia.be
Fri Apr 6 19:30:43 BST 2007


On Sunday (afternoon) the 22nd of April, Indymedia.be is hosting an
Ubuntu install party. Please find the announcement (in Dutch) in
attachment or on http://www.indymedia.be/en/node/8425 . (we're working
on translations)

If there are people here who would like to do a presentation on Ubuntu,
or give a workshop on anything related to Ubuntu (we'll probably have a
Foss video workshop already): everything is still welcome.

And of course, you're all invited to come and play with the new Feisty
release, to come and help people install Ubuntu, or just to chat and
have coffee, ...

thanks, bye,
-- bruno
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