[Ubuntu-be] reminder: e-meeting tonight

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Mon Apr 2 18:35:06 BST 2007

Op maandag 02-04-2007 om 14:04 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef
> Obviously IRC is much easier for IRC people. I use Jabber for more
> than two years and I din't have any issue joining the meeting.

I didn't have issues with joining the Jabber room either, but there were
obviously more people having trouble with it than when we used IRC...

> I personnaly find it easier to explain people how to use Jabber (using
> Gaim) than IRC with channels,

Jabber rooms are the same concept as IRC channels.

> nickname registration,

Is _not_ needed for IRC, only for Jabber (which is exactly why I think
IRC is easier...).

> bots, etc.

You don't need to know anything about bots to use IRC, and surely not
for following a meeting on it.

Jan Claeys

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