[Ubuntu-be] bank account -> minimal formal structure proposal

Cedric Janssens cedric.janssens at ubuntu-be.org
Tue Oct 31 10:43:00 GMT 2006

For information, my non profit organisation can help in this way (to
have to account used by a effective legal existing structure). If

Needed or not, I'm voluntaris, as usual :-)


2006/10/31, Mark Van den Borre <mvdborre at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I would like ubuntu-be.org to have a bank account, with minimum fuss.
> WHY not my personal account anymore?
> I feel a little uncomfortable passing ubuntu-be.org money through it.
> It's not huge amounts, but money is starting to flow around
> ubuntu-be.org:
> * fair booth payments
> * booth donations, even if small (24€ total for Oostende)
> * an offer from a booth visitor to fund us for the amount of 50€ was
> difficult for us to accept
> * accept donations more easily
> * less fuss administring money
> * I feel more comfortable for me
> We need at least two trusted ubuntu-be.org contributors to go to a
> bank together, and a short and simple "statuts/statuten" statement.
> See attached Belgian Banks Association blessed template.
> 1. consensus election
> 2. mandate duration
> 3. dispute resolution
> proposal 1: consensus election
> We want two coordinators:
>  * with a demonstrated need to access ubuntu-be.org funds frequently (fairs,...)
>  * 1 NL_BE, 1 FR_BE
>  * who publish every ubuntu-be.org bank account transaction they make
> to this list and the web site
> I am pretty sure it is obvious who fits these roles right now. We can
> probably unite around two people who have gained the trust of all list
> members. Here's the somewhat unconventional way I propose to "elect"
> them:
> 1. Candidates for coordinatorship propose themselves to the list.
> (optional) If there is more than one candidate per language,
> candidates discuss between them and step back voluntarily until there
> is only one candidate left.
> If impossible, further discussion.
> 2. As soon as this one candidate per language gets the public support
> of 10 list members, he is elected.
> proposal 2: mandate duration
> A coordinator is appointed for two years, with the possibility to
> resign early at any given moment. After this term, a new consensus
> election.
> proposal 3: dispute resolution
> When a list member is unhappy about something the coordinator did:
> 1. private discussion with the coordinator.
> if unresolved:
> 2. public discussion
> if unresolved:
> 3. public ousting: 1.5 * the number of votes that elected the
> candidate needed; if ousting successful, new election
> If this proposal is accepted, I will run for the NL coordinator mandate.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Van den Borre
> Noormannenstraat 113
> 3000 Leuven, België
> +32 486 961726
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

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