[Ubuntu-be] Flemish ministry of education distributes Ubuntu

Peter Dedecker Peter.Dedecker at UGent.be
Fri Nov 17 15:10:43 GMT 2006

Jan Claeys wrote:
> After publishing a guide about free software & open source last year[1],
> now every school gets 2 CD-ROMs[2]: one with open source for Windows,
> the other with an Ubuntu live-CD (unfortunately an old version, 5.10,
> but at least their intention is good).

Maybe we should put that kind of news messages on the ubuntu-be website
and provide an RSS feed.  This could form the basis of the public
newsletter: if you're interested in news about Ubuntu-be, subscribe to
either the RSS-feed or either the e-mail newsletter.

It's great news off course!

Peter Dedecker
Isabellakaai 124 - 9000 Gent
GSM: 0486/15.23.20
Peter.Dedecker at UGent.be

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