[Ubuntu-be] Flemish ministry of education distributes Ubuntu

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Fri Nov 17 15:05:42 GMT 2006


After publishing a guide about free software & open source last year[1],
now every school gets 2 CD-ROMs[2]: one with open source for Windows,
the other with an Ubuntu live-CD (unfortunately an old version, 5.10,
but at least their intention is good).

Sites are in Dutch, as this is the language spoken in the Flemish part
of Belgium.  The description on the order page [2] (loosely) translated
into English is:

        With this CD-ROM the Flemish government wants schools to get
        acquainted with the broad offerings of free software.  This
        publication is the concluding piece of an awareness campaign to
        bring knowledge about free software into education and to
        support schools in their selection of quality software.

[1] <http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/publicaties/?get=NL&nr=220>
[2] <http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/publicaties/?get=NL&nr=261>

Jan Claeys

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