[Ubuntu-be] Ghent Computer Fair

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Wed Nov 15 21:31:58 GMT 2006

Op woensdag 15-11-2006 om 19:13 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Peter
> How about the Ghent Computer Fair?  Is there something needed?  I live
> in Ghent, so if you want something from here... 

I still have Mark's box with Ubuntu stuff + most of the ubuntu-be stock
of "edgy" CDs.  I'm not sure if I will come myself that Sunday (also
depends on how many other people will come to help?), so _maybe_ I'll
need some place to drop this stuff sometime next week at someones

I'll also check how many flyers are left, so that you know whether you
(or someone else) have to make some more.  :)

Jan Claeys

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