[Ubuntu-be] (no subject)
Jerome Hanoteau
hanoteau at multitel.be
Thu Mar 30 15:06:53 BST 2006
Hi Ubunteros,
I suppose that you all know that Software patents will be a big big problem
for free sofware including Ubuntu and all software related SMEs in Europe.
There is a consultation about it organised by the Commission.
(because they -commission & EPO- will introduce software patent in Europe via
the European Patent harmonization)
Tomorrow will be the last day for answering (e-mail is the best option to
They are proposed answers by the FFII (lobby against software patents) in
and in English:
It takes 15 minutes to send a standard answer (good)
It takes about 1 hour to send a personnalized answer (very very good)
I can help you if you want (I am not a lawyer only an engineer figthing
to have
the right to use and develop sofwares ie ubuntu)
jerome at hanoteau.org
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