[Ubuntu-be] press release: Le Vif

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Mon Jun 26 18:40:34 BST 2006

On Mon, June 26, 2006 18:42, Mark Van den Borre said:
> On 6/26/06, Marc Portier <mpo at outerthought.org> wrote:
>> I think this shows the impact the 'old' media still have.
> Absolutely. It reflects in the statistics.
>> On the downside of it: Dunno if others witness the same but after some
>> initial boost of requests after the announcements in the Flemish media,
>> things have been really quiet lately.
> This is not a bug, it's a feature.
> We need to improve the handling of requests. Integration with a
> ticketing system for example. People like Pierre are working on
> infrastructure right now.
> They can use a helping hand, especially from people who know how to
> write well structured PHP!
>> Mark, do you have numbers on the requests per week? Is it just me/my
>> region (= coast, being busy for holiday season maybe) ?
> Since 2006/06/01, we had > 100 requests.
>> IMHO it will be a challenge to find interesting ways to regularly grab
>> the attention...
> The semiannual release cycle gives us a wave to surf on.

I had one "request" that was not really a request but just somebody who
lives near me and wanted to say hello.
Then there was one request that was actually a server-related support
questio, which I redirected to the appropriate mailing list.
So far, I had only one real request.

So, for me, 2/3 of the requests should be discarded from the statistics.
With a ticketing system, I could give each request a status that you can
filter on.


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