[Ubuntu-be] copyright site [Re: Vraag van een potentieel Ubuntu-gebruiker]

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Wed Jun 7 13:34:35 BST 2006

Op di, 06-06-2006 te 23:42 +0200, schreef Mark Van den Borre:
> Please use it! I will soon formally license my contributions to the
> site under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license so this
> question will answer itself in future cases. 

Take care.

Texts under a "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license" can't be
used in newspapers and the like (not without the journalist first
getting permission from someone up the decision chain, probably
involving their legal department, etc.), so at least you'll have to make
exceptions for the press releases, then.

Jan Claeys

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