[Ubuntu-be] A short introduction

Jeroen Wouters woutersj at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 22:32:45 BST 2006

Hallo iedereen,
Salut tout le monde,

Only today I read about ubuntu-be.org on slashdot and already I'm
introducing myself to you.
I am a long time Linux user, ever since 1998 (I think) when I first
used Slackware on an old 486. Since then, I've been using about every
major distribution and a couple of other free operating systems. Linux
has been my desktop OS for quite a few years now, even now I'm working
in a predominantly Windows-oriented environment. I have quite a bit of
experience in a lot of different fields, but I can't say I'm really an
expert in one in specific.
I would be willing to set up a contact point in my quiet little
hometown of Westerlo, since judging from the map, the 'stille Kempen'
really all still quiet. The only thing is that I only have enough time
during the weekends. That's why I would like the following question
too: what kind of a response am I to expect from this? Is it in the
order of a one request per week, one per month? Would my help be
appreciated, even though it will be only a few hours per week?

Meilleures salutations,
Vriendelijk groeten,

Jeroen Wouters

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